04.07.2011 11:25
Hi Jacline!!
Since 2 years, i am waiting for watching you in a complete rubber transformation video, waering those latex clothes and put on your beautifu rubber mask... When you will do that for me and so many members???
Bi kiss
27.06.2011 18:51
like the dress-up doll, that is almost the transformation video you have promised for years........maybe one day our dream will be realised.
24.06.2011 21:29
What email do you check?
Does webmaster@rubbersisters.com go to you?
Thanks! I Love your stuff! I have a very quick question. Thanks again. Keep up the good work!
24.06.2011 05:36
how does your college work? i dont understand all of it in the college section.
24.06.2011 00:30
how does your college work for a man?i want to come over to the UK to be part of the college. do you teach on how to be a rubber doll or rubber woman permanently if i wanted to be one?
12.06.2011 18:22
Have been dressing in latex since 1975. Now I want to dress as a woman in one of your compleat suits. attached photo is of an experament that I did here at home last month.
Comment: Hi Leona,
have you already a complete transformation suit under your latex?? Do you prefer more a silicon or a latex doll suit??
Please let us know.
Take care
10.06.2011 21:12
I would love to be your slave. Can I still be one?
sorry we don´t need a slave at the moment.
Maybe you like to come to our college?? Have a look at our website for more
The Rubbersisters
09.06.2011 22:40
I was wondering, I am a big fan of your site and contemplated purchasing either a latex rubber outfit. also i have some interests in the college area,but i don't know how much it would cost to have the outfit shipped here and for me to be shipped there.
I live out in the states. I live in North California
06.06.2011 20:31
Thanks for your prompt reply. Would be great to see more of your god given assets for starters. An increase in transformation related content will do justice to the site's theme. The two of you are one of a kind in the latex fetish scene and am sure will continue to remain so for ever.
My kinky wishes....
thanks for your input! That motivate us to continue our kinky Rubbersisters live:-)
06.06.2011 15:53
Hi dear Rubbersisters ..
Why i cant log in ? it say
This server could not verify that you are authorized to access the document requested. Either you supplied the wrong credentials (e.g., bad password), or your browser doesn't understand how to supply the credentials requist .
and also say waring you r usersname and password are not go out white out basisverficatie white out a securt connetion ..
So are there more poeple have the same issuws? pls let me now ..
Comment:Hi WC,
We already moved to a new server to get a better performance of our online presence.
During this process from 3rd June-14th June 2011 we didn´t received a few mails.
Please pardon the inconvenience!
Contact us again, if you tried to reach us during this time.
Thanks for your appreciation.
Yours Monica & Jacline
05.06.2011 16:44
I love your transformation pictures!
Are you guys selling the latex suit from "call a doll"?
Comment: Hello,
the latex suit from update "call a doll" is a protothype and really really heavy to put on and to stay in longer. It´s to hard for a dolls life!! Lol...
04.06.2011 17:49
Hi Rubber Sisters
Firstly I would just like to say how much the both of you have been an insperation to me and my own love of female masking. I am a bit concerned about your 2nd Skin site as I have finally decided to purchase your latex rubber doll outfit but found that when I go to the site it is just redirecting back to your main site. Please don't tell me that you have shut up shop, on my knees begging and praying.
Kindest Regards
Donna, xxx
Comment: Our 2nd-skin webshop will be on again very soon!! Please be patient!
Love Monica
31.05.2011 15:29
extraordinary, very neat website, good photos, sad, that no free pix and videotrailers to choose from, hope to see you on a future fetishevent once live on stage
Comment:Hello Felix,
some trailers from the Rubbersisters on Youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jnAO-Dse5LU on Facebook & Fetlife.
Have fun!!
19.05.2011 16:36
How are you doing sisters? Thanks for all the kinkertainment over the last few years. I have noticed that you have been a bit less kinky and conservative off late. Am sure that your fans like me want to see you get as kinky as possible...
Comment: Hi fetish boy,
thanks for writing us! Please let us know what you like to see?? We are still full of kinky ideas and phantasies and show all our fans and members since more than 5 years every 10 days the Rubbersisters fetish live :-)