15.09.2010 16:46
you should do a gallery or video of monica peeing. that would be cool. the sit looks awesome too. maybe another of monica eating or drinking for real
14.09.2010 02:50
Hi, Have heard and read about Rubber Sisters a lot. Since you also teach of how to be a rubber doll, I would be interested in doing so. Can you let me know how can I be a part of this and if wish to join how can I do so? I am a residing in India.
14.09.2010 01:11
Hi girls,just watched the video Monica's world , absolutely stunning and very sexy Monica, please ,please tell me where you got the purple top your wearing it fits you so well i would love to own one, still trying to save up enough chash to purchase one of your complete suits there stunning love to you both and keep up the great work xxxxxxx
12.09.2010 13:13
Just saw your video Monicas World, the mask looks alive with the eyes cut out, it's the first time I have seen a mask were that is working, my combliments to you!
09.09.2010 19:18
Its the little things that turn you on! In your preview clip the doll walking with the black coat on and goes into the room with the 2 girls in latex...I am so turned on by the one on the left with the curl in her latex!...Her seamed latex legs and that cute little skirt is so sexy!!!
08.09.2010 17:07
My husband bought me the latex body suit and he dressed me up in it this weekend. He dressed me up with pantyhose and corset, then a nice latex french maid dress. How erotic it was! I did all my housework and such in it and I had to be in it for over 12 hours and I must say it was comfortable! MMMM.... :)
29.08.2010 20:07
Hallo Peter,
wir haben kurz ein bischen auf der LATEXPO gequatscht. Es sehr toll, mit euch ganz unverbindlich zu plaudern. Der Kontrast zwischen Peter dem Mann und Monica der Super-Fetisch-Sexpuppe ist schon umwerfend! Das ist wirklich echte Kunst, was ihr da macht.
27.08.2010 15:16
I just sent this post to a bunch of my friends as I agree with most of what you’re saying here and the way you’ve presented it is awesome.
26.08.2010 15:32
Hello Rubbersister,
I enjoy your website very much!
Looks very nice and you do such great things!
Is it possible to be transformed? To be one of your subjects.
Wanna pay for it.
21.08.2010 00:20
Hallo Ihr beiden, ich finde es fantastisch wenn Ihr andere Frauen zur ruberdolls transformiert. Ist immer wieder eine Augenweide. Wann ist euer Transformationsanzug mit angearbeiteter Maske käuflich zu erwerben? Ich warte schon sehnlichst darauf. LG
20.08.2010 19:37
Can we see the transformation/masking pf Jacline or Poupette in a video for a change instead of pictures?
13.08.2010 21:47
hello,your site is out of this world please keep it up and helping rubberdolls i would really want to be one but im so disabled,im on rubberpal and my id is permdoll,my tgirl name is Gemma,if you want to get intouch with me please feel free.love ya all.xxx