18.11.2009 15:17
I am must apologise, but on the last message, i put my e mail wrong. My write e mail is: michael_levey@yahoo.com Thanks.
18.11.2009 15:03
Hi Dolls. After a long time absent because profissional business, i am back to this wonderful site. The site is getting more and more interesting. As i said last year, i have a wish, that i want turn it true. I want to spend some day or some time with you Jacline completeley masked, like a living doll, catching the attention from the others. CAn you turn my wish true? If your answer was positive, tell me why? I am expressing a serious desire. A Big KISS in rubber. Diese Nachricht wurde kommentiert mit: Hi Michael, nice to have you here, again. Of course, we offer some doll session since a short time! Please write me your wishes and details per email. I will contact you, soon. Rubbergreetings Sister Jacline
17.11.2009 15:09
Hi As addicted living dolls, i think you must have trained to be inside those masks for a long time. It must be very hard and unconfortable wearinh those tight masks. How long have you been wearing that Jacline? Big kiss Diese Nachricht wurde kommentiert mit: Hi, of course I am into living doll more than 6 years and I like it every time. I enjoy the tight rubber around my head and body. That makes me hot!! Latex Greetngs Jacline
17.11.2009 07:33
Hi Rubbersisters, I have send you some pictures and details like you requested. Will I get a reply soon? kisses Diese Nachricht wurde kommentiert mit: Hi, sorry, cool pics!! We didn´t forgot, we will reply soon. You looks great.) Jacline
15.11.2009 15:19
Hi the rubbersisters, finally I'm going to enter in your world with your incredible gloria mask thanks for your nice work and hope to see you in a next fetish party germany, uk, france gothica
06.11.2009 08:08
Hi there Sisters, What a beautifull site you have created! I have dreamed about being en rubberdoll since some years now and your outfits are exactly what i have been dreaming about! Im a slim and tall bisexual guy, 28 years old from holland and would love to get a transformation. And when im in the outfit im willing to do anything ;). besides that im a grphic/product designer so maybe i can also help you with some project? email me xxx Diese Nachricht wurde kommentiert mit: Hi, nice to hear from you.Dreaming from rubberdolls is cool!! Please send us some pics from you and details to webmaster@rubbersisters.c om. Cheers Monica & Jacline
05.11.2009 16:56
Hi Dolls! I can´t wait soo much time to see both of you walking in public places as living rubber dolls. I wish that you at the london fetish weekend, turned my wish true. Kisses in rubber. Diese Nachricht wurde kommentiert mit: Hi again, in London we went only thrue the hotel and with a cap to different fetish parties.The hotel guests and the driver looks a bit scared!! But you can be sure, to see the Rubbersisters in public soon. We love it.) Maybe in Paris, if it´s not to cold in December. Greetings M&J
20.10.2009 07:38
I don't know which takes my breath away more, pictures of the Rubber Sisters or an overly pulled tight corset ! I think you both should kidnap me, transform me into Veronica, and enslave me as your maid for at least a year. Then I will write about it; a mainstream movie can come out of the "true story" and you both will get the fame and fortune you deserve. And my fantasy will finally be realized. it's a win win situation LOL xoxo "Veronica" Diese Nachricht wurde kommentiert mit: Hi Veronica, mmmhhh, that sounds really interesting! Right us more about your phantasies. Attention,we are coming.. Take care Monica&Jaline
14.10.2009 20:22
Halo sisters, I am a CrossDreser in Hong Kong SAR. I am very love runner doll and want to transformation with my self. Please help me how can i do it (transformation + take photos). Thankyou Diese Nachricht wurde kommentiert mit: Hallo Maggie, come to Munich and we will make your dreams drue. More details to webmaster@rubbersisters.c om. Looking forward to hear from you, soon. The Sisters
14.10.2009 14:40
Hallo ihr beiden, ich kann mich meinen Vorredner/Vorschreibern nur anschliessen. Tolle Fotos, tolle Outfits. Aber eine Frage bleibt offen. Würdet ihr es schaffen aus einem 185 cm großen und maskulinen Mann eine so tolle Gummipuppe formen wie ihr es seit? Würde mich freuen wenn ihr mir antworten würdet Diese Nachricht wurde kommentiert mit: Hallo N0.32, danke für Dein Kompliment. Transformation bietet viele Möglichkeiten. Unsere Anzüge sind bis Größe 1,90m ohne Problem tragbar. Korsett und aufblasbare Hose machen Dich dann perfekt. Maske nicht zu vergessen!! Nur Mut, wir helden dabei. LG Monica
09.10.2009 17:57
I work for a Internet Company that searches the net for fetish sites. My job is to evaluate fetish sites and give my opinion. So here we go.. Here is the good. Quality of the site is great. Easy to understand and presents itself very well. Photos are the best you can get. Models are all extremely sexy. All rubber clothing are high quality. The bad. Not enough hardcore in the video clips. What I mean is.. you could use more penetration. All you have is sexy models rubbing each other. Witch would be a X rated site. Now a days people who buy this type of site want XXX rated video. Which is hardcore sex. NOT girls rubbing each other. Now dont get me wrong. Your site is great for a X rated site. If that is what you are trying to sale. But you need to reduce your price. People who pay your prices for your site want hardcore sex. And you do not have that. Your site has so much potential to be at the top of all fetish porn sites. You just need to step it up. There are no other sites out there with women wearing rubber masks, suits, boots and hardcore sex 24/7. Now,,, you can find women fetish models that wear masks some of the time. But we all no what they look like under the rubber. Your site hides that! Witch is a great mystery!! If you would like to know more on how my company can help you move up to the next level. Please contact me. Cheers
26.09.2009 19:32
Greetings Rubbersisters, Your journey and the amount of effort you have put in is incomparable. It has been a privilege following your blissful journey. Congrats on your store. Thanks to you, many more rubberdolls will see the light of day. Am looking forward to Jacline's complete rubberdoll transformation video. I hope I won't have to wait long. Regards, Your Fan. Diese Nachricht wurde kommentiert mit: Hi John, mmhhh, great compliments, that will motivate us:) Kisses Jacline
22.09.2009 07:31
Hi Girls, Just want to say Hi from Australia, and how much I am enjoying your photos. Just Love Monica's new look, very sexy and oh so au natural. Love you gang keep up the very good work Lady Katherine Diese Nachricht wurde kommentiert mit: H Katherine, nice to hear from you:) Thanks for your flowers.. Greetings from the Dolls
21.09.2009 15:12
HI girls. When can you see both of you in a public place, walking and gettinh the attention of everyone around. I wish you make it soon. Kisses Diese Nachricht wurde kommentiert mit: Hi, we will make your wishes true..!! We like to go in public and catch all the reactions. Maybe we will do it in London, next week XoXo Monica & Jacline
18.09.2009 19:42
hallo ihr göttinen! ich weiss ich nerve, aber wann gibts wirklich eine schwangere rubbersister zu sehen? (am liebsten wäre es mir zu sehen wie eine von euch wärend einer transformationsitzung von nix zu höchstschwanger aufgeblasen würde). gibts da was in der pipeline?? (ist pervers ich weiss, würde ich aber geil finden und gerne sehen!) bitte um info. beste grüsse