11.09.2008 22:53
hello i write this message because i was send to your site. as a hermafrodite dancer i am looking for full female body suits, for me and my dancer(s) for later performances. and people said you made these or knew where they are made. if at all possible, you would have a lot of equal minded customers willing to buy such stuff.what i have seen sofar really astounds me. if you could inform me about possibilities herein now or in the future we will be thankful Robin Diese Nachricht wurde kommentiert mit: Hi Robin, sounds interesting.. please send me an email at webmaster@rubbersisters.c om about you special wishes. Thanks a lot Monica + Jacline
11.09.2008 18:50
I think, this excelent site, is getting more and more interesting. I want to express a desire: Having dinner with Jacline, all masked and corseted. Is that possible? Rubber Kiss. Diese Nachricht wurde kommentiert mit: Hi Robert, thanks for you complemet ! Your desire is interesting, I will think about it, if it´s possible soon. Rubberkisses Jacline
09.09.2008 04:29
Hallo Ihr Beiden! Ihr habt ja wiedermal super klasse neue Outfits!! Ich bin immer wieder überrascht was Euch noch alles für geniale Dinge einfallen. Ich denke der neue Suit von femskin ist eine Spezialanfertigung mit dieser Obereite? Mich würde interessieren von welchem hersteller die neue Maske angefertigt wurde. Die sieht wirklich klasse aus! Hoffe auf kurze Antwort und bin weiter gespannt was euch noch alles einfällt. GLG Theresa Diese Nachricht wurde kommentiert mit: Hi Theresa, freut uns, daß es Dir gefällt, was die Sisters so treiben!! Der silicon suit mit entsprechender Oberweite hat sich Monica selbst einfallen lassen:) Die neue "Gloria" Maske sorgt bald für weitere Überraschungen !! Sei gespannt.. LG Monica & Jacline
08.09.2008 01:24
hi girls,just watched your new vid "dressing room"fab only wish it were me,must say the new mask is very stunning keep up the good work all my luv Georgina
07.09.2008 20:59
Dear Rubbersisters I'm sorry for my poor english because I'm french. I really like the transformation into a rubbersister and you're my models ,you are so nice ! I'm searching for a female latex mask and I was ready to order one ("maskon")when I saw your last pictures "dressing room". it's exactly what i'm searching for and I really want to buy the same Can you tell me where you find it please because I never see such a real female latex mask? Thank you very much for you answer and please continue ,you are wonderful. I wish also meet others rubbersisters like me ;I think tant some of them write you searching the same thing as me.You may give my adress-mail but only for french rubbersisters. I'm very happy to be (only sometimes infortunaly)in the community of rubbersisters. Kinds regards Latexsister Diese Nachricht wurde kommentiert mit: Hi, thanks for your greetings and interests. You will get more information about the new mask a.s.a.p. Please be patient.. Hope you will find other french rubber dolls :) XoXo The Rubbersisters M&J
06.09.2008 08:21
Hallo Monica & Jacline Die Neue Make die ihr in der neuen Galerie habt ist wirklich mega schöhn. Habe bereits überal gesucht aber ich kann nirgens eine so schöhne Maske finden. Wo kann man die Kaufen? LG Rabea Diese Nachricht wurde kommentiert mit: Hallo Rabea, die Maske ist bisher noch nicht zu kaufen,( Suche zwecklos !!) aber wir versuchen das baldmöglichst zu ändern :) Also bis bald.. Monica + Jacline
03.09.2008 04:32
Hi Girls, I am a new member and must congratulate you on such an excellent site. The sexyiness and eroticism is everywhere. The Get Petrol photos are so HOT !! The tight black, rubber bodysuitsm the sexy boots, the platinum blonde hair - such a sweet fantasy fulfilled. I would love to see more of this type of photo - Let me be your hitchhiker and I will get you petrol ! Cheers !! Joe Diese Nachricht wurde kommentiert mit: Hi Joe, great, that you like our stories and outfits. It was really hot to get petrol !!Anyway next time we will stop for an hitchhiker, which is complete dressed in rubber.Sure.. Kisses Monica & Jacline
30.08.2008 21:25
Hallo Rubersisters, Ich mag eure Seite sehr, ich möchte gerne mal eine komplete Verwandlung eines Girls in eine Doll als Video sehen wenn das möglich ist. Macht weiter so, danke für euere Arbeit Diese Nachricht wurde kommentiert mit: Hello, danke für Deinen lieben Eintag. Deinen Wunsch der Transformation von Girl in Doll werden wir Dir natürlich gerne erfüllen. Geht demnächst online. Viel Spaß dabei:)) LG The Rubbersisters
27.08.2008 01:25
hi girls, just watched your video "casting for Monica" wow!! just two questions? where can i get the inflatable tights and where can i get the body suit with the big boobs they really make the whole story come alive .keep up the good work absolutely luv all the pics and vids on this site would luv to be transformed into one of your rubber dolls by the both of you , hugs and kisses XXXXX Georgina Diese Nachricht wurde kommentiert mit: Hi Geogina, nice to hear from you again. The inflatables thights are one of the first I did on my own. The bodysuit are two different items. A Craptop, from a guy who made it special for me. You will get some News in the next few weeks about where to get such items. Stay tuned Kisses Monica & Jacline
25.08.2008 13:26
I just love rubbersisters, they are unique living dolls. However, I suppose it must be tiresome and not easy to wear a full head mask, as yours, at summer, doesn´t it? Continue doing that, and doing more and more videos and photos in public places, I want to see that. Many Kisses. Diese Nachricht wurde kommentiert mit: Lovely Maria, thanks for your flowers:) Of course it´s getting hot under the masks, but we like the tight and hot feeling around the head! Oh yes, we will show you more pics and video in public, because we enjoy it, too !! Masking Greeting Monica+Jacline
22.08.2008 18:53
Hello, Your masks, covering all face and neck are very, very beautiful, but i also think they must be difficult and unconfortable to wear? So, in fetish events, i hope you sometimes have to remove them for a quick breather when is needed? Bye, delirious dolls Diese Nachricht wurde kommentiert mit: Hi Susanne, thankyou for your positiv comment:) At fetish events it´s easier wearing some masks where the eyes are cutting out. That´s perfect !! Breathing is not a problem and however we like wearing the masks the whole day and we also like it to take it off !! Happy Dolling The Rubbersisters Monica & Jacline
22.08.2008 13:13
Hi Hot doll Jacline! You are amazing, inside the doll suit. As you already said, you participate regularly in kinky parties. I hope, you stay there some hours, all suited, corseted and obviously, masked. Inside it, you talk, despite the difficulty with the others or not? Just curiosity, your fabulous performances in public are prepared and combined with the people with responsability in this places or not? I hope it must be woooonderfull, with nothing prepared, the unknown people stayed in a public place, and suddenly watch a beautiful livind doll named Jacline, passing or sitting in front of them. Think about it. Big Kiss Diese Nachricht wurde kommentiert mit: Hi Paul, hey cool, that´s what I like !! Beeing in public completly dressed in tight rubber,heels,mask like a living doll and catching all the reaction from that unknown people !! I will do that for you, immedately::)) Pervy Kisses Jacline
21.08.2008 06:02
WAHNSINN, also wenn ihr mal ein "neues" Modell zum "transformieren" braucht. Das wäre mal eine geniale Erfahrugn mit Euch. Ich bin aber "Realist" und weiß das es wohl in diesm Fall ein Wunsch bleiben wird. Ihr seit genial. Jürgen Diese Nachricht wurde kommentiert mit: Hi Jürgen, sag niemals nie.. ..wie schön ist es doch noch Träume zu haben und wenn man wirklich dran glaubt wird´s irgendwann geschehen !! LG Monica & Jacline
19.08.2008 23:13
thanks for reply rubbersisters, however I'm thinking about coming to Hamburg, because you have a splendid reputation on the web. Just mail me costs for a transformationsession, allright? Bye Rick Diese Nachricht wurde kommentiert mit: Hi Rick, we think it´s a missunderstanding. We are not planing, to come to Hamburg for a transformation session a the next few month. Sorry, but we will inform you, if we have such plans. Rubber Greetings Monica & Jacline
18.08.2008 11:30
Dear rubber sisters, I just surfed the web and came here by link from madie anne from Amsterdam. I live at Groningen Netherlands and I would like to experience transformation. Which studio would you suggest? I'm a student who has little money, so I maybe won't be able to travel to Hamburg. Best regards rick Diese Nachricht wurde kommentiert mit: Hello Rick, if you like a transformation in a Rubberdoll near your home, we can´t recoment any studio in Netherland. Maybe ask Mistress Madienne, hopefully she can help you:) Rubberdolling Greetings Monica & Jacline