22.07.2012 16:47
Es war schön Euch mal wieder auf der Bondcom zu treffen. Vielen Dank für das nette Gespräch und die tolle Beratung. Es macht riesigen Spass sich in der neuen, zweiten Haut zu verwirklichen. Wir sehen uns bestimmt wieder.
Ganz liebe feminine Grüße
It was nice to meet you again on the Bondcom. Thank you for the nice conversation and the great advice. There is lots of fun in the new, second skin to achieve. We will see us again.
Very feminine love greetings
Comment: Liebe Belinda,
es freut uns sehr das Dir die Sachen gefallen und gut passen. LG Monica
07.07.2012 17:02
wish you would remake monicas original suit. the one that has the giant breasts and gloves. i really wish you would remake it
05.07.2012 19:53
I have just joined your great site, but would love to see more actual transformations of the guy through to final transformation.
Would love to see more of that type of transform.
04.07.2012 11:37
Wo kann man euch bei einer Veranstaltung in Deutschland (vielleicht auch Rhein-Main) das nächste mal in Live sehen?
Würde mal gerne die Produkte des 2nd-Skin in Real sehen^^
Infernum Firestorm
04.07.2012 05:56
Where can I obtain directions to make my own homemade rubber suit? I have an old sex doll I no longer use that I would like to convert into a wearable rubber suit so I can appear female, but I don't know where I can find directions.
22.06.2012 17:18
a streaming video is only a temporal file in your hsrd disk Kerry. You only have to search for it and you will have the video.
01.06.2012 01:00
The newest video was great but I do not like the fact we have to stream them now and can't download the files. I hope this is fixed soon.
Comment: Thanks Kerry, yes the new videos are in higher resolution now and in a better quality. We will produce more costlier video's with genuine models and professional photographers. Now it is like going in the cinema! Pay admisson and you get the big screen!
31.05.2012 05:00
really nice! would love to have a session. did message by bookings
hope it cam over. otherwise maybe could mail? thank you
Comment: Our college is booked out until end of July. The next lessons will be available in August. You will get further infos soon. Greetings, Monica
26.05.2012 01:56
Man......I would love to be transformed into a rubber doll.......the pizza boy fantasy is amazing!!! Please contact me if you need a rubber slave.
Comment: To get you transformed is possible, you only have to apply at our college and you will get further infos!