2008/10/07 11:58
hey girls, where I am possible this way a closed package buy.i have of femskin and I did it to tore direct.dat of you to be stronger and feet and hands are there also bij.zo a package want ik.help me
2008/10/07 11:56
hey girls, where I am possible this way a closed package buy.i have of femskin and I did it to tore direct.dat of you to be stronger and feet and hands are there also bij.zo a package want ik.help me
2008/10/06 15:28
Hi! Rubbersisters, I am your truthful fan since you post your pictures on Maskon. Recently, I just found your Newsletter is very interesting. Is there any possibility to get those Old Newsletters that I've nver read? Diese Nachricht wurde kommentiert mit: Hi Jeremy, at the moment it´s not possible to read the old Newsletters, but we will change it, that you will be able to get all The News we ment already. Kiss Jacline
2008/10/04 19:50
Hi, Hi. You are great,looking like two beautiful living manequins, and make the attention from all members, who like this singular fetish. The first time i saw this site, i could never think, it was possible a person beeing masked as a living doll. I hope it takes you so many time and a big sacrifice, for instance could "live", inside this suits and tight masks. Now,it´s time to make a new longer video like "Die Puppensamlerin". Think about the idea. Kisses in rubber Diese Nachricht wurde kommentiert mit: Hi Michael, thank´s for your compliments..and idea.. You are right!! Rubberlove The Sisters
2008/10/04 16:36
Hello. Sorry, about my curiosity, but as you have said, despite you never had any difficult situation in public, i hope, you only go out in your costumes and masked, by photo sessions or making videos, or not? Diese Nachricht wurde kommentiert mit: Oh yes, we do !! Just look at our galleries, you will find videos and galleries we did in public ! Enjoy it.. Kisses The Rubbersisters
2008/10/04 00:06
I love your new mask I would love to get one. Woo maid it? Diese Nachricht wurde kommentiert mit: It´s coming soon !!
2008/10/03 20:32
Hi Dolls! I want both of you tell me, if you don´t have any difficulty or embarassing situation when you were masked in pubic, doing a photo session or video? King regards Diese Nachricht wurde kommentiert mit: Hi, it´s quite interesting going in public. We never had any problems outdoor. The most peopble didn´t realise what´s going on..some others are very interesting and ask us, some would like to touch the masks..Nice experiences ! Just try it.. RS Monica & Jacline
2008/10/03 17:25
Hello Dollies! You are absolutely gorgeous. In fetish parties, I think your appearance, must create in other visitors, an heart breaking, because watching you walking inside that tight suits, and masked must be a unique sensation. Tell me, where can i find you in a next fetish party?, I will go there, just to touch your beautiful faces, and give a big Kiss in Jacline. Bye. Diese Nachricht wurde kommentiert mit: Hi Mike, you are right !! We will inform you in our Newsletter, when we visit the next parties. Not sure yet, but we think you will have a chance to meet us at one of the next parties. Kisses in Rubber Jacline
2008/10/03 15:13
hi monica and jacline..i see your "DRESSING ROOM"..tell me where i can buy the new mask that dress monica..bye rubberdreams!! Diese Nachricht wurde kommentiert mit: Hi, you will get more informations about the mask in the next few weeks. Please stay tuned !! Yours Rubberdoll Monica
2008/10/02 20:45
Dear Rubbersisters, I just got your newsletter about the new mask and the dive session. Many Congratulations!!It's just terrific! You are wonderful women and I love you. Love, Karin (rubbervanity) Diese Nachricht wurde kommentiert mit: Hi Karin, many thank to you and for your info about H20 is Co2 ::)) Big Kisses back.. Yours Monica
2008/10/02 19:10
Hi lovely girls!! As i have already said, and this is the wish of so many members, you must think about doing several performances, especially videos all masked, and coveres in latex in public. That´s what we like, its really cool, and so hot watching you and thinking about what is behind those marvellous masks. Please, doing it very often, and Jacline, as you promise, i´m waiting from seeing you in these videos. Please. Bye Diese Nachricht wurde kommentiert mit: Hi Paul, that´s what we do.. We will continue with complete masked videos, doll in public and all what we like as addicted Rubberdolls. Big hug Monica & Jacline
2008/09/30 21:11
It was nice to meet you at the ball of supplices and see the real monica and jacline thanks and I wait for the photoshoots with monica and me.. kiss gothica Diese Nachricht wurde kommentiert mit: Hi, it was really a nice evenning at the Fetishball " Les bal des Supplices " in Lyon! Here from us soon.. Monica & Jacline
2008/09/29 09:45
Hello lovely Jacline! For me, it was really a dream, meet you someday, and go for a walk or a coffee, with a living doll, catching all the reaction from the people. is that possíble? Kiss in rubber. Diese Nachricht wurde kommentiert mit: mmmhhhh, maybe someday !!?? Kisses from Rubberdoll Jacline
2008/09/28 11:52
Hallo liebe Rubbersisters, Klasse Seite und Klasse Bilder. Auch das Interview, welches ihr mal über eure Newsletter verschickt habt, war interessant um mehr über euch zu erfahren. Wäre auch gern mal bei einer eurer Transformation-Sessions dabei. Was würdet ihr denn da voraussetzen? Zumindet hattet ihr geschrieben solche Projekte geplant zu haben. Liebe Grüße, euer Fan Riesling Diese Nachricht wurde kommentiert mit: Hi Riesling, danke für Deinen Eintag. Das Interview ist bei crazy- rubber.de nachzulesen. Ja, wir haben ganz viele verschiedene Ideen im Kopf, aber mit den Transformation Session musst Du dich noch etwas gedulden..Soll ja was ganz besonderes sein !! Oder..?? Gummierte Grüsse Monica + Jacline
2008/09/26 13:22
Hi living dolls! As many members already said, it must be wonderful, seeing two lovely rubberdolls, making videos or photos in public and busy places. Please, make that performance, from your members, really soon. You are fabulous.. BIG, BIG KISSES Diese Nachricht wurde kommentiert mit: Hi, we was already several times in public as living dolls, completely covered with masks and latex, it´s really cool:) At least in Vienna.. You will see it in the next few updates. Kisses to you The Rubbersisters